(4) According to the reports of the surveyers Institution of America, one degree of latitude towards the Tropic of cancer covers. 50 miles. The distance however decreases as one proceeds towards the North pole. Similarly one degree of latitude-towards the Tropic of Capricorn covers 75 miles and the distance increases as one proceeds towards the south
pole. At the south pole one degree the west and vice Woolly not
this circular route is taken
of latitude covers 103 miles. "Why is it so? If the earth is round each degree of latitude must cover the same distance in the North as also in the South.,
the other way round-north to south and vice-versa?
(5) Explorers of the North pole have reported that it is extremely difficult to lift a weight of even a hundred lbs in the North pole area while it is extremely easy to lift a weight of even 300 to 400 lbs in the south pole area why is this difference?
(9) It is the well-accepted principle that rivers flow down from higher to lower regions. If the earth is round, all the rivers in the north of the equator should have flowed from the south to the the north, This must have been the case the qther way about, but it is not so in reality. Most of the rivers from the Himalayas flow from the north to the south.
(6) In the antarctic circle, nights as also days must be three months' long, but it is not so. As shown in the Nautical Almanac published by the Jury of Navigation at Washington, the longest day on an island at 70° latitude in the south is 16 hours & 56 minutes where as it is full three months on the same latitude at Hamerfast in Norway in the North. why is so !!
(7) Captain Mill says in the report of his juurney, that in the Areitic re
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gion one can see as far as 40 miles, while explorers of the south pole say that one can easily see as far as 150 to 200 miles.
(8) Now let us take an illustration of a merry-go-round. As it spins like a top any person riding it comes back to the same place despite several rounds. Similarly the journey round the earth is made from the east to
(10) The British ship-challenge. took about three years to go round the earth from the south and had to travel as much as 69000 miles. If the earth is round this a voyage could not have taken such long time. In fact it took six times the time it would have normally taken in view of the supposed curvature of the earth. If the earth is round, on that latitude its circumference should have been
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