3 piti pil 1o eic do bo established
noft. x(9Lokavibhaga of Sinhasuta; thern India shortly before 300 B. C. Edited by Balchandra Siddhantashastri However, piogree adds that the book (Sholapur, 1962. O n two of the present recession of Art. According to the editor(30), Lokasastra dbestano antedate the 2nd vibhaga belongs to a period hot eatlier century A. D (See T. R. Trautman' than that of Trilokasara (11th century Kittilya and the Arthasastra Leiden, A.D.). He defiestany attempt to 1971)(72).
...L'associate this work withit Satvaatadi (6) Rsta samuccya Sastra of Dur. (515 B.S.) who had composed a gadevacarya, Edited by Jîn. Vijay? work that has become extinct by this
.. Mung and A. S.. Gopani (Bombey,
. 2001 B. SA-5
(10) Ganitasära Sangrah'Édited According to the editors, the date with a Hindi translation by L.C. Jain of Durgadeva is about 11th Century (Sholapur 1963).
Syyat A Do but the identity of the author Mahaviracarya (C. 850 A.D.), the is yet to be investigated(35). Nemi. author of Ganitasara Sangrahd. was chandra Shastri assigas him to 1032, a contemporary ( bhs Nrpatunga bor A. D. (36). A 19.-01*. Alfoghatarsa (815-877 A.D,y of the
(7) Ganitanuyoga (GA) Com. Rastra kata dynasty in the history of piled by Müni K. L. Kamal With South India(68). Hindi translation by M. L. Mehta! . (11) Trilokasara of Nemichandra, (Sanderao, 2495 V. S.).
Edidted with Sanskrit commentary of As We have seen aflier that Madhava Candra by Manghar Lal Ganitanuyoga depotes 'a class of Jaina Shastri, (Bombay: 2444 V. S.) canonical literature. Herfor the GA The Trlilokasara of Nemichandra denotes a compilation of igeographical is to be assigned to the 10th Century and astronomical abstracts from the A. D. (61)...) o isisaboni Jaina canonical texts. The GA is ą (12) Jyotisa Karandaka, Sanskrit secondary source.
commentary by Malaya Giri, (Ratlam, (8) Manu Smrui. Hindi commen- 1928). tary by Keshya Prashad Sharma Dvi- According to K.S. Raghavan(47), vedi (Bombay).
Jyotisa Karandaka was written as According to Buhler(43), the work" guide to Surya Prajdapti in:'514 A. 23, it is known to us textsted in the D. But according to N.. Shastri(71), second century A, "D. . . Jyoti a-karanaika is an origihal work
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