star B arietis,, the identifying star of on accumulatingA since long and it Asvini, was 31°53 and that of Arietis, developed gradually during the course 35'34' in 1850 AD., Hence the years of several gcnerations (52)
S oms startiag when the tropical longitudes of these from the firm establishment of the stars were zero, can be worked out, organisation of the order and monataking 72 years for 10 precession, as stic life. According to Winternitz (53) follows :
tho earliest portions of the Jaiba canon 31°53'x72 (=2296–1850=446 B.C. might probably belong at the latest and 35*342x72 (=2561)-1850=711 B.C. to the second century after' Mihavi
ma's death, the period of the Mautya The mean of these dates is, 579.B.C. Chandtagupta, in which tradition Since the winter solstica ia Abhijit
Jo Abhijit places the council of Patliputra, whilst (Lyrae) corresponds to Vergal equinox
the latest portion may be dated vicarer in Asvini (B Arietis), probably it, was to the council of Valabhi under the the period when reckoning of first
presidency of Devardhi. However, point of the zodiacal circumference was shifted from winter solstice to; ment of this dissertation to prove in
evidences are wanting in the embodi
P Vernal equinoxgiThus in the light of
än infallible manner that Jaina asttothis discussion, the probable period of Jaina canon may be assigned to 'unced Advancement over Vedanga
nomical system promulgates a" prodoabout 6th century B. C.
Jyotisa and it paves the way towards It is worthy of note that hakishatra the development of Sidhantic astrosystem and not the ecliptic signs; nomy. "The confusion due to some
the Vedic quinquennial yuga resemblances between Vedanga Jyotisa theory werć still beld in esteem. There and Paitamaha Siddhanta (system of is no trace of Greek'epieyctic theory Paitamaha) whose epoch is A.D. 80, in Jaina canon. It is contemplable has been eradicated. Theteby in the that Surya prajnapti may be assigned light of diversity of opinions about to a stage of Indian astronomy which the autiquity of periods of Vedänga was not yet influenced by the astro- Jyotisa and Siddhantic astrónomy; the nomical scierice of.. the Greeks (51) extents of the glorious perious period However, the degree of diffusion of of Jaina School of astronomy may knowledge between East and West is be minori ad majus assigned to poststill an unsetulcd matteş (55). It may Vedanya piesiddhantic period in the be, concluded that the subject matter history of ancient Indian astromoty. of Jaina canonical literature had gone B. Some Other Jaina Non-Can
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