othars (18) Bhagavati Uttardhyayaga, still N.C. Shastri's views are quite and Anuyogadvara belong to about refutable about the contemporaneity first century B. C. Samavayanga to of, Surya Prajnapti and Vedang, about 4th century B.Co and Prajna- Jyotisa. However, by a process of pana to about 2nd century B.C. counting how many times the same According to: H. P. Bhatt(17) Surya, themes have been repeated in the Prajnepti belongs to 400 B. Ç. and various Jaina canonical texts, Jacobi : Chandra Prajnapti to: 200 B.C. Accot and Schubring (21) concluded that the ding to K, S. Raghavan(47) Surya most ancient portions of the canon Prajnapti, was probably written in were composed during 3rd and 4th in about 528 B...C. ba centuries B.C. However, the 6th.
It maybelmoted that some scho-century B.C. the, age in whicha Mabalars opine that Surya Prajnapti and vira: (24th Tirthankar ford maker) Candrá Prajnapti are the name was born, was a period of great invarianosis of one and the same texto3, tellectual stir and a ferment in the (40); But there, exists as manuscript of realm of thought (37)..:: Malayagiri’s Sanskrit commentary of It may, however, be borne in. Candra Prajmapti slightly different mind that any sharp division of time froin that of his published commen- cannot be demarcated in between tary of Surya Prajnapti at Abhya Jain periods of Vedanga Jyotisa and preLibrary Bikaner (46) and still a diffe. Siddhantic, jaina astronomical texts rent versiotal of Candra. Prajpaóti is: extant in jaina agamas. Evidances are available at Atma Ram Jain Library, Vantar
wanting in support of this view. wait Ambala City (49).
, (?). There is a legend (sce Majtri• Ori the other hand, N. C. Shastri aya Brahmana iii 230 11) that Abhijit considers: Surya Prajnapti. as a' work (Lyrae) was dropped from the list of contemporary of Vedanga Jyotisa and
a nakshatras (lunar mansions of tac Hid.
dus) But Taittiriya Brahmana ( ho-further assigns it on the basis, of linguistic approach to
marks it as a new comer, In vedanga
about 500 B. C.(194: But Thibaut (20) has calcula
Jyotisa there is no account of Abhijit ted that there is a difference of 1246
(Lyrae) pakshatra (asterism) whereas yearsi corresponding to a procession
Jaina astronomical system is through of 19°3 between: periods of Vedanga -
out fait based on the system of 28 nakTvotiša and Surya Prajnapti.b.Thibaut
shatras including Abhijit (Lyrae). This
siro gests that antiquity of the Jaina basi also given la caution as to the astronomical system may by antedated i uncertainty of this deduction, but to that of Taittiriya Brahmana, .
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