(5) Surya Prajnapti (6) Jumbudvips of the Jaina sect. There are four Prajnapti (7) Candra prajnapti (8) mula sutras (original texts) viz, Nirnayaveli (9) Kalpavatamsika (10) (1) Uttaradhyayana Sutra (2) Puspika (11) Puspaculika (12) vatsni. Avasyaka Surra (3) Dasavaikalika (4) dasan,
Pindaniryukti . 3. PRAKIRNAKAS
6. CULIKA SUTRAS The word 'Prakiranaka' means. The word 'Culika' means “appen‘miscellany.' There are ten prakirna- dis : Thus culika sutras may be taken kas, meaning dispersed texts, viz. as appendices to the entire Jaina
(1) Causarana (2) Aura-paccakk- canons (60) There are two such hanam (3) Bhattaparinna (4) Santharag individual texts, viz. (5) Tandulaveyaliya (6) Candavijjharai (1) Nandi Sutra (2) Anuyogad(7) Devindatthava (8) Ganivijja (9) vara Sutra. Mahapaccakkhana (10) Viratthava. As such, the number of Jaina 4. CHEDASUTRAS
canonical texts is stated to be 45 or The word 'Cheda' means 'cut'. 50; this number may go upto 84 probably such treatises prescribed plus 34 Nigamas or Upanisads if 'cuts' in seniority of monks on their some subsidiary elements are also violating monastic discipline but taken into account. But the principal their existing recension also deals texts are angas, upangas, prakiruak as with several topics pertaining to cheda sutras and mula sutras (2) as mouastic jurisprudence (59)
well as culika sutras (the two individual There are nine cheda sutras, texts) are prominent, meaning books of decision or de- Be it noted that according to cision or statutes, viz,
Digambara tradition, the only surv. (1) Nisiha (2) Mahanisiha (3) iving pieces of Dvadsangi (twelve Vavahara (4) Ayaradasao (5) Brhat. limbs) are preserved in Drstivada kalpa Sutra (6) Dasasrutaskandha.
(twelfth limb) and a bit of the fifth 5. MULA SUIRAS
anga Vyakhya Prajnapti, They consMula sutras (literally original texts) titute works like Karama-Pahuda seem to imply a notion of founda- and Kasaya-Pahuda popularly known tions of the Jaina religious instruc- as Dhavala and Jaya Dhavala Siddhtion (39). Some scholars are of the antas after the names of their res. view that they are the original textspective commentaries. On other hand containing original words of Maha- Svetambaras believe that only the first vira (58) 24th tirthankara (ford-maker) eleven angas (limbs) are preserved
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