GENERAL EDITOR'S FOREW Like his two Kashmirian successors (in different fields), Ananandavar. dhana and Abhinavagupta, Jayanta Bhita was a man of massive intellect and remarkable creativity. His Nyāyamañjari (9th Century) occupies an important place in literature of the Nyaya-Vaiseșika tradition. Although formally it is a commentary on Gautama's Nyāyasūtras the Nyāyamañjari, a major contribution to the Nyāya thought largely occupies itself with the two most important topics of Pramāṇa and Prameya. The nature of philosophical debates during the classical period was such that irrespective of the tradition and the subject matter of his treatise, the writer would get deeply involved in many of the basic philosophical issues discussed over centuries. Jayanta Bhatta too with his extremely versatile education and vast erudition presents a powerful critique of all the rival positions relating to those issues and corroborates the Nyāya position.
Inspite of his encyclopaedic command of the literature of his times, he is modest and tolerant (he shows respect for Dharmakirti)-he specifically, states that 'all serious faiths should be tolerated.' His style is lively and brilliance, sharpness and remarkable clarity of mind are prominent traits of his personality. Besides being a scholar of preemine. nce, he was also a creative writer as is evidenced by his satirical drama, the Agamaļambara.
Dr. N. J. Shah undertook the onerous task of making available to Gujarati readers the Nyāyamanjali (appropriately described as Jayanta Bhatta's great triumph) in authentic and lucid translation. The rich treasures of Indian classical learning in all its branches have to be made available in Modern Indian languages and consistent with this aim the L.D. Series has already published Gujarati translations of several impor. tant Sanskrit and Prakrit texts.
In his introduction to the present volume, Dr. Shah has given a lucid short summary of the topics discussed in each of the Ahnikas of NM. and briefly pointed out their importance. His critical study of Jayanta Bhatta, to be published shortly, will be no doubt a valuable contribution to the study of that unique Nyāya philosopher.
We are thankful to Dr. Shah and congratulate him for bringing his scholarly undertaking to a successful completion.
- H. C. Bhayadi 1. K.L. Potter (ed.) Encyclopaedia of Indian Philosophies - Indian Meta
physics and Epistemology: The Tradition of Nyāya - Vaiseșika (1977), p. 343
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