the existence of particles of mass intermediate between that of the electron and the proton in the cosmic ray streams. Photographs showed the presence of particles of mass about 200 times that of the electron, carrying in some cases positive and in others negative charges. One photograph indicated the presence of a particle of mass greater than 430 times that of the electron. Street and Stevenson (1937) obtained results which could be explained by the existence of a negative particle with mass about 130 times that of the electron. Nishina, Takeuchi, and Ishimiya (1937) obtained indications of the particles of both signs having masses about 1/7 to 1/10 of that of the proton, while Ruhlig and Crane (1938) considered that there were particles of mass (120 ± 30) times that of the electron. This leaves no doubt about the combinations between Snigdha and R"uk]sa particles to form similar particles of greater mass."
(3) Page 162-"The structure of the neutron shows that it is an example of a snigdha particle combining with a "uk]sa particle-a proton combining with an electron in close union..... "The nuclei of modern atoms are also an aggregation of protons, neutrons and Mesons, and therefore serve as examples of Snigdha combining with R"uk]sa.... In the formation of molecules from atoms we again see the union of Snigdha and R"uk]sa atoms.... a crystal of common salt (sodium chloride) is composed of atoms of sodium and chlorine. When it is dissolved into water, it dissociates into positive (snigdha) ions of sodium and negative (R"uk]sa) ions of chlorine."
(4) Page 163-"Sodium atoms combining with chlorine atoms is a case of snigdha uniting with R"uk]sa, whereas two oxygen atoms combining with each other to form a molecule of oxygen is a case of R"uk]sa uniting with R"uk]sa."
(5) Pages 164, 165 – न जधन्युगुणानाम् । ( न जधन्यगुणानाम् परमाणूनां बन्धो भवति ।) ( The ultimate elementary particles at the lowest energy level do not unite at all.)
In other words, we should expect to find electrons and positrons in perfectly free state as well and so it is. We quote the following from The Advance Text-book of Magnetism and Electricity: "Conduction of electricity in electrolytes and in gases is effected by positively and negatively charged carriers called ions. In liquids the ions are free charged atoms or groups of atoms; in
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