It may be pointed out that in a particular experiment, radiation has a particular nature i.e. either it possesses wave nature or particle nature.
De-Broglie Waves
Radiation behaves both as wave and particle. In 1924, Loius de-Broglie put forward a bold hypothesis that matter should also possess dual
The folloowing observations led him to the duality hypothesis for
The whole energy in this universe is in the form of matter and electromagnetic radiation.
The nature loves symmetry. As the radiation has got dual nature, matter should also possess dual nature.
Thus according to de-Broglie, a wave is associated with every moving particle. These waves are called de-broglie waves or matter waves. According to quantum theory of radiation, energy of a photon is given by E = hv
Therefore, the wavelength of the photon is given by
λ= (p is momentum).
de-Broglie asserted that the equation is completely a general formula and applies to photons as well as other moving particles. The momentum of a particle of mass m moving with velocity v is m v. Hence, de-Broglie wavelength is given by
This is called de-Broglie relation. It connects the momentum, which is characteristic of the particle with the wavelength, which is characteristic of the wave.
૨૫. (a) તરલ પદાર્થોમાં વિદ્યુત-પ્રવાહને પ્રવાહિત કરી રાસાયણિક પ્રભાવથી ‘ઇલેક્ટ્રોલાઇસિસ' દ્વારા રાસાયણિક બેટરીઓમાં વિદ્યુત ઉત્પન્ન કરી શકાય છે. એ સમજવા જુઓ,
Satish K. Gupta, op. cit. p. 346
"Chemical Effect of Electric Currents
If electric current is passed through a liquid, it may or it may not alllow even the passage of current through it. In fact, on the basis of their electric behaviour, the liquids may be divided into three classes:
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