Over current coils are adjustable from 75% to 200% of the full load current and are fitted with oil dashpot time lags having an inverse time characteristic. The settings of the overload trip coils can be adjusted from the front of the circuit breaker. The dashpots are fitted with a padlocking device to prevent unauthorised alteration of the settings. Earth fault trip coils are available with tappings to suit individual requirements. Current Transformers The current transformers are of air cooled ring type and comply with the appropriate British & Indian Standard Specifications and are fitted
on each phase within the circuit breaker. ૧૧. મુનિ યશોવિજયજી, પૂર્વ ઉદ્ધત ગ્રન્થ, પૃષ્ઠ ૨૪ ૧૨. એજન, પૃષ્ઠ ૨૫ ૧૩. એજન, પૃષ્ઠ ૨૬, ૨૭
"A light bulb also has most of the air sucked out of it. If it did not, wire would actually burn up instantly. When a light bulb 'burns out', it is because the filament slowly vaporizes." [url:http.//www.madsci.org/
posts/archives/May 97/864507907.ph.r.h tme.)" ૧૪. એજન, પૃષ્ઠ ૨૭
"Inert gases such as nitrogen and argon were later added to the bulbs to reduce tungsten evapouration, or sublimation." [url.http//www.geocities.com/bio-electrochemistry/coolidge.html.)"
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