The quantization or discrete nature of charge cannot be explained
by classical theory electricity." 36. Gomber and Gupta, op.cit, 1/32. 37. Prof. Dr. G.R. Jain, op.cit., pp 10-12—
“Hydrogen Atom : Diameter .... 1/200,000,000 inch Weight ... 164/100,000,000,000,000,000,000 0000 gram Electron: Diameter 1/500,000,000,000,0 inch Speed ... 1,300 miles per second Weight ... 1/2,000 of the weight of the hydrogen atom. Proton : Diameter .... about ten times that of the electron. Weight .... that of the hydrogen atom. The central positive charge of electricity, the nucleus, has a diameter only about a ten-thousand of that of the atom and practically all the mass of the atom resides in it. The diameter of an atom is one part out of twenty crore parts of an inch. The lightest atom is that of hydrogen having (Hydrogen is the gas which is evolved by dissolving zinc in sulphuric acid and on account of its lightness is used in filling toy balloons and also bigger ones. Water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen) a mass only one-quadrillionth (1 followed by 24 ciphers) part of one masha (gramme) while the mass of an electron is even two thousandth part of this. The diameter of an electron is five-billionth (1 followed by 12 ciphers is a billion) part of an inch which is about 2,500 millionth part of the diameter of human hair. In an eight-mile molecule the electrons are only 8 inches in diameter. These electrons revolve round the nucleus several quadrillion times per second with a speed of 1,300 miles per second. (The concentrated electric charge in the centre of an atoms is called the nucleus.) All these figures tend to show that matter is extremely porous. This porosity of matter was clearly understood by the Jain thinkers several centuries before the Christian era. It is this fact which is expressed by words ^lw{eifj.kkekoxkgu'kfDr* (subtlety and accommodating power of the molecules). It is interesting to quote in this connection the words of Prof. Eddington, the great Astronomer Royal at Cambridge. He says: "If we eliminate all the unfilled space in a man's body and collect
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