The English tanslation of a few shlokas. The name of the original book in backets (Y.S.=Yoga Shastra)
One should not do anything violent, because as he himself does not like bad things, others do not like them either. He should see others as himself. (Y.S.)
How can they kill imocent animals with sharp tools whilst they themselves can not bear the pain of even a pointed grass-blade ? (Y.S.)
Unless all violent acts are given up, virtues like self control, charitable acts, austerity and religious studies are fruitless. (Y.S.).
Ahimsa (non-violence) is the benefactor, the mother. It is like a spring in a desert, like rain extinguishing the fire of misery - a superb medicine for people suffering the effects of the cycle of life and death. (Y.S.)
Anger makes the body and mind uncomfortable, it creates feelings of revenge, it is the path to destruction, it is the greatest obstacle to happiness. The fire of anger burns first the angry person and then everything around him. (Y.S.)
Conquer the anger with forgiveness, pride with politeness, illusion with sincerety and greed with contentment. (Y.S.)
The one who can control his mind can control the influx of Karmas, but the one who does not control his mind continues wrong-doing . (Y.S.).
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