- gellaefzal yoo 011011 વીરચંદભાઈ જેવા વીરને - વીરલાને જ વરી હોય!
પરિષદમાં એમણે જૈન તત્વજ્ઞાન, જૈન નીતિ સંબંધી વ્યાખ્યાન આપતાં ધૃતધર્મને લગતી બાબતો જેમ કે, નવતત્વ, છ પ્રકારના જીવો, વિશ્વના આદિ-અંતની અન્ય ધર્મોનાં મંતવ્યો સાથે તુલના, દ્રવ્યાર્થિક તેમજ પર્યાયાર્થિક નય સંબંધી જૈન દર્શનની સૂક્ષ્માતિસૂક્ષ્મ વિચારસરણી રસસભર રજૂ કરી, જે આપણા માટે દ્યોતકરૂપ હોઈ, એમના જ શબ્દોમાં જોઈએ ?
"Jainism has two ways of looking at things - one called the Dravyarthikanaya and the other the Paryayarthikanaya. I shall illustrate the same. The production of a law is the production of something not previously existing if we think it from the latter point of view i.e. as a Paryaya or modification; while it is not the the production of something not previously existing, if we look at it from the former point of view, i.e. as a Dravya or Substance.......
........ The Jainism canon may be divided into two parts : first Sruta Dharma i.e. Philosophy and second Caritra Dharma i.e. ethics.
“The Sruta Dharma inquires into the nature of nine principles, six kinds of living being and four states of existence sentient beings, non-sentient things, merit, demerit of the nine principles, the first is 'Soul'. According to Jaina View, 'Soul is that element which knows, thinks and feels....
“The second principle is non-soul. It is not simply what we understand by matter, but is more than that. Matter is a term contrary to 'Soul. But non-soul is its contrary. - Whatever is not soul is non-soul.
“The rest of the nine principles are but the different states produced by the combination and separation of soul and nonsoul. The third principle is merit (Punya); that on account of which a being is happy. The fourth principle is demerit : that on account of which a being suffers from misery.....
“......Six kinds of living beings are divided into six classes, Earth-body beings (geaaru), Water-body beings (314074), Fire
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