વિશ્વની અસ્મિતા
ગ્રંથ સૂચિ
Eral: faraate this,
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वाराणसी, १९६१ २. अमर कोश
9 Eastern Religions and Western Thought:
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Oxford Uni. Press; (II Edion )
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96 Varieties of Religious Experiences: Willi
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૪. મહારાષ્ટ્ર શબ્દકેશ ૫. મેદિની કેશ
20 Mysticism East and West: Rudolf Otto :
Collier Book, New York, 1951
8. HRL cuida HRt euron: Si. als 29 An Introduction To Tibetan Misticism : નરહર જોશી, પૂણે: ૧૯૫૦
Lama Govind Anagarika : Rider Company;
London, 1959 v. asist
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& Studies in Vedant: Kirtkar V.J. Bombay, York, 1948
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२८ रहस्यवाद : परशुराम चतुर्वेदी; पटना, १९६३ 98 Mysticism : F.C. Hapold : Penguin Book. RG Hill Rallgal Rabuhi : H8-6 $a, S. England : 1971-1973
30 Yogi Knishnaprem : Dilipkumar Roy : 24 Mysticism in Religion : W.R. Inge; New
Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Bombay; 1968 York
31 श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता : गोरखपुर. 16 Teaching of the Mystics-W.T. Stace; Men
32 Mysticism and Logic : Burtrand Russell : tore, 1990
Allen & Unwin, ( 10th Impresion ) 26 TOY te aur 397 faragt: 'JA ' TIET, 33 Exploring Mysticism :-Frist Staal; Penguin प्रयाग, १९५७
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