We may conclude this brief analysis of the various aspects of education by quoting the following words of the Mother:
"As we rise to this degree of perfection which is our goal, we shall perceive that the truth we seek is made up of four major aspects: Love, Knowledge, Power and Beauty. These four attributes of the Truth will apontaneously express themselves in our being. The psychic will be the vehicle of true and pure love. the mind that of infallible knowledgt, the vital will manife st an invincible power and strength and the body will be the expression of a perfect beauty and perfect harmony."
A complete realisation of this ideal would also mean what the Mother calls the supramental education. And an attempt at this highest education is one of the most difficult tasks in the research work of the Ashram. A brief idea of the motive and nature of the supramental education is given by the Mother in the following words:
"From beyond the frontiers of form, a new force can be evoked, a power.... which by its emergence, will be able to change the course of things and bring forth a new world. For the true solution of the problem of suffering, ignorance and death is not the individual escape by self-annihilation from earthly miseries into the non-manifest. nor a probtematical collective ascape from universal suffering by an integral and final return of the creation to its creator, thus curing the universe by abolishing it, but a transformation, a total transfigu. xation of matter brought about by the logical continua. tion of Nature's ascending march in her progress towords perfection, by the creation of a new species that will be in relation to min what man is in relation to the animal and that will manifest upon earth a new force, a new consciousness and a new power. Than will begin also a new education which can be called the suparmental education; it will, by its all-powerful acti on, work not only upon the consciousness of the indi vidual being, but upon the very substance of which they are built and upon the environment in which thep live.
Contrary to the type of education we have spoken of hitherto that progresses from below upward through as ascending movement of the different parts of the being, the supramental education will progress from
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above downward, its influence spreading from one state of being to another till the final state, the physical, is reached. This last transformotion will happen in a visi ble manner only when the inner states of being have already been considerably transformed. It would therefore be quite unreasonable to try to judge the prasence of the supremental by physical appearances. The physical is the last to change. and the supramental can be at work in a being long before something of it becomes perceptible in the life of the body.
"In brief, one can say that the supramental education will result not merely in a progressive developing formation of the human nature, an increasing growth its latent faculties, but a transformation of the being in its entirety, a new ascent of the species above and beyond man towards supermen, leading in the end to the appearance of the divine race upon earth."
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