system of exercises. It is noted that the awakening of the Kundalini which is one of the results of the Hatha Yogic Asanas can very well be accomplished by the western system as well.
The ladias have more or less the same programme of physical education as men. It is our consolusion that it is a mere prejudice to stress too much a different programme of physical education foi ladies.
The year is divided into four seasons; and at the end of the each on, there are competitions and tournaments in the various items of physical education. A complete record of the results is maintained, and there is a comprative study of thes: results with the international standards and achievements in the respective fields.
more interesting by being ill; rather the contrary. Children should be taught that to be ill is a sign of failing and inferiority, not a virtue or a sacrifice.
In the general programme of education for the children, sports and games should be give a fair place. At the Ashram, detailed experiments have been made on the following problems of sports, games, and general physical education :
(1) Comprehensive physical training versus specialised physical training;
(2) Can men and women have the same programme of pàysical education ?
(3) The integration of the Indian and the Western systems of physical educaticn; and
(4) Physical education as an integral part of spiritual perfection.
The results of these experiments have appeared continuously in the Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, which is our official organ since the year 1949. A brief description of the present methods and organisation of the physical education at the Ashram will give an idea as to how the solution of the various problems are being worked out.
The Ashram has organised a well-knit Association, called J. S. A. S. A. (Jeuness Sportive de l'Ashram de Sri Aurobindo). To this Association are admitted Atudents from the age of 6 onwards and there are members of this Association who are over the age of 75. For it is understood that is never too soon to begin nor too late to continue. All the members are divided into several groups according to age, and for fach group, there is a time-table suited to that agegroup. Normally, students are required to allot nearly wo hours daily to physical education throughout the whole year. (There is no vacation.) The programme of physical training is carefully organised: it consists of Athletics, gymnastics, aquatics, combatives and Indian ind Western games. Every students, instead of specialiling in one or two items, participates in all the aspects
physical education; the lack in high specialistion more than compensated by the wide and synthete Kaining of all the parts and aspects of the body. But fill there is also a provision for specialisation at a gher stage, for thc se who would choose specialisation.
An attempt is made to integrate the truths of the atha Yoga with the principles underlying the western
Facilities for carring out the programme of physical education are numerous: a stadium with a 400 meter cinder track with provision for field events, grounds for football and cricket, and a swimming pool 33. 1/3 metres built to Olympic specification with an attached pool for children and a large gallery for spectators. Besides, there are two tennis courts, two grounds for basketball and volley ball, a pit for Indian wrestling, a ring for boxing and a doj) for Japanese Judo, a large courtyard and a gymnasium with the most modern equipment.
Individual attention is paid to each mamber and steps are taken to inculcate an aspiration in the young. sters to have not only a healthy body but also a form of grace, symmetry and beauty. Members are encouraged to make the body increasingly supple and responsive.
Nourishment of the children is given prime importance. Good, healthy and nutritious food is provided to the children and the physical education provided to them ensures good health. Besides there is a periodical health examination and dental check-up conducted by efficient doctors. Those who need to follow up a treatment are given careful attention. The massage clinic helps the injured and those who specially need its service to relieve them of pain and stiffness which some people experience after their course of training. There is also an X-Ray Department aitached to the Medical Section. A system of body measurements with posture photographs and tests is also conducted to help the children know how they are growing and to see if the development is in the line of good proportion and harmony. Special exercises are given to those who need them in order to bring harmony and proportion and to correct defective formation and bad posture.
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