Sriśramanasanghasya śāntirbhavatu, Śri- janapadānām śāntirbhavatu | Śrirājādhipānām śāntirbhavatu, Śri- rājasannivēśānām Sāntirbhavatu | Srigoștikānām śāntirbhavatu, Śri - pauramukhyānām śāntirbhavatu! Śripaurajanasya śāntirbhavatu, Śri-brahmalõkasya śāntirbhavatu | Om Svāhā, ām Svāhā, ām Śri-Pārsvanāthāya Svāhā 11
Let there be peace for the Jaina Sangha, let there be peace for all the countries, in the world let there be peace for the emperors, let there be peace for the kings' houses, let there be peace at the cross roads and the market places, let there be peace for the leading citizens as well as the common men and let ther be peace for the celestial worlds. (The rest are the words for chanting).
નવમું સ્મરણ-૨૧૯
Ninth Invocation-219
Jain Education International
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