[ દ્વિતીયowing to compassion or with some other object ? The first reason does not hold good as there is no place for compassion, as the body and the objects did not exist and as (hence) there was no pain to living beings. And the same is the case with the second as no motive can be assigned to God who has accomplished every object. (1)
Notes:-There is no room in Jainism for a Creative Deity as it considers that every substance in the universe is uncreated, indestructible, eternal and governed by the principle of cause and effect. The Sankhyas hold a similar view as they attribute the creation of the universe to nature (Prakriti . The Mimamsakas and the Bauddhas too, do not admit God as Creator. It is especially the Vais'eshikas and the Naiyayikas that look upon Him as a Creative Deity.
It has been shown in this verse that the reason of creating the universe cannot be compassion; all the same granting that it was owing to compassion that God created the universe, there arises a further objection which is mentioned in the next
“ ઇશ્વરને જગત્ કર્તા કેટલાકા માર્ગ છે, તે યુક્તિપુરસ્કર નથી. વિચારવું જોઇએ કે કયા કારણથી તે જગને સજે ?, શું કાઇ ખીજા પ્રત્યેાજનથી ? તેમાં પ્રથમ
કરૂણાથી કે નથી, કેમકે
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