આભામંડળ : જૈન દર્શન તથા પ્રાયોગિક સંશોધન
10. Researchers at Stenford, using highly sensitive instruments, which measure the flow of energy forces entering the body, determined that Reiki energy enters the healer through the top of the head (or Crown Chrakra) and exits through the hands. The energy force comes from a northerly direction, but from the south when below the equator. In addition, ones the Reiki energy is activated, it seems to flow in a counterclockwise spiral motion, much like the double helix in DNA.
(Ibid P. 18) 11. The amount of energy emanating from the hands definitely increases during treatment. Dr Bara Fischer, of Santa Fe, New Mexico, a well-known researcher who has developed an ingenious technique for doing life-energy interpretations with Kirlian photography, tested the author before and during the sending of an absentee healing. The photograph taken during the absentee healing displayed a marked increase of radiation when compared with the photo taken before the treatment, which had displayed a definitively smaller range of emanations.
(Ibid P. 18) 12. Reiki not only can effect change in the chemical structure of the body, by helping to regenerate organs and rebuild tissue and bone, It also helps create balance on the mental level.
(Ibid P. 19) 13. According to some authorities magnet is so-called because the shepherd Magnes first discovered 2500 years ago that the rock of naturally occuring magnet lodestone, had a strong attraction for his iron crook.
Magnet Dowsing or The Magnet Study of Life by Dr B. Bhattacharya Published by FIRMA KLM Private Ltd. Calcutta, 1992, P. 20
14. Iron can be magnetized by passing electricity through it for some time by a special process. Thus magnetism and electricity are allied sciences.
(Ibid P. 20) 15. There are many stories current about the powers of the magnet to which the power to heal the sick is attributed..........A surprising variety of curative powers and other properties are attributed to the lodestone. It is said that lodestone with honey is a purgative medicine and helps elimination of faecal matters. It is also believed that a magnet can draw pain out of the body when properly applied. A magnet is also recommended as an amulet for headaches.
(Ibid P.21) 16. It was also believed that wounds made with a weapon, which has
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