________________ Some Opinions. Ahmedabad, 1st August, 1944 श्री पार्श्व परम्पराया इतिहासः, a Sanskrit prose work is in the form of narrative biographies of Jain preceptors, from 9732779, the 23rd Tirthamkara in fine style, mostly resembling old was. Such being the case, one should not expect a classical style, strictly observing the orthodoxy of the Sanskrit grammar. The author seems to be conversant with old qerarefits and has been able to get authentic information about the proceptors. To reconstruct the Jain history, publications of such granits are essential, Not only qeraris but also griffats at the ends of MSS and their colophons are very useful in reconstructing history. Old Jain Bhandaras possess - such. literature in great quantity, and it is worth publishing. Such efforts have been already begun and the texts require careful editing. Keshavram K. Shastree Curator, Research and Postgraduate Department, Gujarat Vernacular Society, AHMEDABAD. I have read with interest the Sanskrit book 'sit qpeqze9779T FETA: written by Mr. G. M. Shukla. The History of Jain Tirtham karas is given in chronological order. This might greatly facilitate the compilation of Jain History. In the book we find scattered here and there the jain religious tenets as also the ways and means they adopted for spreading their religion. The language is every easy but terse, Mr. Shukla has made a laudable and patient attempt after compiling a book which may not fiind many readers. The book must however prove a very welcome addition to Jain literature and history. M. S. Desai, m. A., 8. T. O, D. Principal, JUBILEE INSTITUTION, UMRETH.