________________ 66 4) 5) Photo copies of the palm leaf manuscript, kept at the Limbdi based Gyan Bhandar managed by Seth Anandji Kalyanji trust, are obtained from Acharya Omkarsuri Shastra Sangrah (Vijaybhadra Charitable Trust, Bhiladiyaji). We have given it a sign of L. The text namely 'Uvanga Suttani', published by Jain Vishva Bharti, Ladnun contains the Aupapatika-Sutra edited from three paper manuscripts. V is the sign assigned to this treatise. is the sign given to a text edited and compiled by Acarya Anandsagarsuriji and published by Agamodaya Samiti in V.S. 1972 (= 1915 A.D.). 6) We are grateful to various libraries and their management staff for cooperating with us in providing all of the above mentioned reference material. We would like to thank many people who have contributed to the work of editing this treatise critically. We have been able to effectively do this because of the intimate support in proof reading and the able guidance received from the erudite Acarya Kulchandrasuriji , Acarya Punyaratnasuriji, Acarya Yashoratnasuri (descending from Acarya Bhuvanbhanusuriji), Upadhyaya Bhuvanchadraji (from the Parshwachandra gaccha), Muni Anantsundarji and others. We are extremely grateful to them. It is worth mentioning and encouraging the efforts and support of Muni Divyaratnavijayji, Muni Tatvasiddhivijayji, Sadhvi Divyagunashriji, Sadhvi Vinaypurnashriji and others in various activities such as proof reading, tracking variant readings (patha bheda), writing appendixes and so on. We hope that this work is a means for uplifting the righteous and deserving reader's spiritual development. - Acarya Vijaya Bhadrasuriji's vineya and disciple of Reverend Muni Jinachandraji, Acarya Vijaya Munichandrasuriji