________________ 96 Introduction unanimously described as a mere conceptual construction (vikalpa) imposed on the discrete, unique and momentary dharmas, and hence unreal." But this samanya creeps up, in the Vaibhashika category of the viprayukta, under the guise of sabhagata. Like the para-satta and the apara-satta of the Vaiseshika sabhagata is also divided into sattva-sabhagata (which is common to all beings--abhinna) and dharma-sabhagata (which is found in smaller groups like men, women, layman, monk, etc.) 2 The Sautrantika Kosakara rightly observes that in recognising the sabhagata as a 'dramya', distinct from the skandha, ayatana or dhatu (which constitute a sattva or a dharma), the Vaibhashika has only supported the Vaiseshika category of samanya. The Vaibhashika seeks to support his sabhagata by a sutra passage where the word nikaya-sabhaga is mentioned, and asks for an explanation of the notion of generality. The Sautrantika points out that the sutra does not warrant any recognition of the sabhagata as a distinct dravya. The generality, is only a notion (prajnapti) and not a' real dharma. 3 "And if all notions were to be treated as real", continues the Kosakara, "why not assume distinct dharmas for the notions of number, magnitude, distinctness, conjuction, disjunction, remoteness, etc., which are treated as realities by the heretic schools ?"4 Indeed, the last nine viprayuktu-samskaras of the Yogachara list seem to represent these notions'treated as reals in the Vaiseshika school. Of these nine, the following six, viz., the pravsitti, java, kala, desa, samkhya and samagri correspond respectively to the pravritti (a kind of prayatna), vega (a kind of samskara) kala (a dravya), dik (a dravya), samkhya (a guna) and samyoga (a guna). The anukrama can be taken to correspond to the paratva and aparatva, two gunas of the Vaiseshika. The only two, viz., the pratiniyama and voga (manifoldness and conformity of hetu and phala) have no corresponding reals in the Vaiseshika list. 1 See Buddhist Philosophy of Universal Flux, Chapter VI. 2 Vide Ado. p. 89. 3 Vide Adv. p. 90, n. 6. 4 See LVPAK, II, 46ab; Saku. p. 180.