________________ 3. Chitta-viprayukta-samskara 95 At least five items in these list, viz., the four lakshanas and the jivitendriya, have corresponding dharmas in the upadayarupa of the Theravada. But the Theravadins enumerated the lakshanas as 'qualities' devoid of samsktita-lakshanas? like the Vaiseshika gunas which are agunavat. The Vaibhashikas enumerated them as 'dravya', i.e, having intrinsic nature, abiding in the three times and causing the origination, subsistence, decay and extinction of all phenomenal existence. A logical conclusion of such a step was to postulate upa-lakshanas (secondary characteristics) like jati-jati, sthiti-sthiti etc. to these lakshanas" which was ridiculed by the Sautrantikas as absurd and involving the fallacy of an infinite regress. The same rule is applied in the case of the first two sanskaras, viz., the prapti and aprapti. The former is a samskara ('force') which controls the collection or obtainment of certain dharmas in a given santana (stream of life), as for instance, in the case of an arhat there is a prapti of asaiksha dharmas. The aprapti is a 'force' which prevents this prapii, as for instance in the case of a prithagjana, there is a non-collection of the aryadharmas. As in the case of the lakshanas the Vaibhashika here postulates such additional dharmas as prapti-prapti and apraptiaprapti for explaining the obtainment of the prapti and the prevention of aprapti, respectively, again exposing his theory to the fallacy of regress. .. One can detect an influence of the Vaiseshika in this 'dravy-vada' of the Vaibhashika. This influence is unmistakably seen in a few other samskaras of this list. The Vaiseshika category of samanya (generality) for instance, is unknown to the Pali canon. The Buddhists being pluralists, non-substantialists and vibhajya-vadins always tended to oppose the reality of samanya, as the latter was a stepping-stone towards a unity, a substance or even to the theory of brahman of the Advaita school. Their formulas of the skandha, ayatana, dhatu, etc. were primarily aimed at removing false notions of unity (ekatvagraha). In the later works on Buddhist logic the samanya is 1 Vide Adv. p. 104, n. 2. 2 Ak. II. 46 ab. 3 Adv. p. 6.