________________ ( xxix ) (8) The explanation of Paramitas in our text (pp. 102 ff.) has similarity with that of the Sutralankara, especially the explanation of bhavana in our text (pp. 106 ff.) is exactly the same as that of the Sutralankara XVI, pp. 102-104. 13. The text has been critically edited with the assistance of Mr. Masashige Shinoda of Japan, who was a Research Scholar at Nava Nalanda Mahavihara, Nalanda, during 1965-1968. But for the ungrudging help of Mr. Shinoda, it would have never been possible for me to compare the text with its Tibetan and Chinese versions. He also helped me in understanding the text in many a place, and thus enabled me to arrange it in suitable sections and subsections. The basic text, the Abhidharmasamuccaya, was divided and numbered topicwise, and the Bhasya text was also numbered accordingly. The portions left out in the Bhasya were also numbered for the sake of completeness though those numbers could not for obvious reasons, find place in our text. These omissions are bracketed in the Contents. Whatever success I have been able to achieve in editing the text is due to Mr. Shinoda, and I am most sincerely grateful to him for all that he did for me. 14. I wanted to write an eloborate introduction and add an index of important words. But I could not do so due to my other pressing engagements. 15. I should also thank my friend Professor Anantalal Thakur, Director, K.P. Jayaswal Research Institute, Patna, for taking all plausible steps for publishing the work so promptly in spite of great difficulties of funds as well as press. Nathmal Tatia Nava Nalanda Mahavihara, Nalanda Rakhi Purnima, August 9, 1976.