________________ It is now an almost acknowledged fact that the current of Indian literature is constituted of three main streams, viz., Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit. Persistent efforts of the East and the West have, indeed, yielded tangible results in the form of critical editions of the important Sanskrit and Pali texts, their translations and interpretations, and original researches concerning the same. But, somehow or other, very little has been done for Prakrit language and literature, which is equally, if not more, important in arriving at the all-out estimate of Indian culture and civilization. Beginning from the time of Lord Mahavira in 6th century B. C. right up to the modern times, this Prakrit literature has exercised its forceful influence in moulding the shape of every branch of Indian literature. Hence, we cannot interpret the Indian culture in its entirety without the study of this vast and varied literature, which has growu into several branches of religious as well as of secular types. The foundations of Prakrit literature lay almost wholly in Jaina Agamic texts and inspite of several efforts at editing, much remains still to be done in this field, which can draw the attention of the scholars of the East and the West alike. The Prakrit Text Society was founded in 1952 by the generous efforts of Dr. Rajendraprasad, the then President of the Indian Republic. The aims and objects of the Prakrit Text Society include the study and researches in Prakrit literature, but it is not possible for the Society to cope entirely with publication of the critical editions of the Agamic texts with the help and in the light of the entire available commentarial literature thereon. Shri Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya includes, amongst its objects, the research and publication of Jaina literature. Vidyalaya felt the void of critically edited Jaina Agama Texts. To meet with the growing demand of Indian and foreign scholars, Vidyalaya put a concrete proposal of publication before Muni Shri Punyavijayaji, an erudite scholar saint in the field of Prakrit languages and literature. This great scholar has devoted the time and the energy of his life in the research work of Jaina Agamic texts. He has made research the mission of his life. We feel happy to say that this great scholar accepted our request and he, in consultation with Dr. Sukhlalji