________________ NOTES ___145 rary of कृष्ण. The relationship of these persons, as given in the उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र, xxii, will be clear from the following : आहुक उग्रसेन देवक / देवकी married वसुदेव कंस राजीमती / __married अरिष्टनेमि कृष्ण वासुदेव 11. जहा मेहे-The story of मेह or मेघकुमार is given in full in the first chapter of the ज्ञाताधर्मकथा. निग्गन्थं पावयणं पुरओ काउं, holding the Jain creed as supreme authority. 13. जहा खन्दओ-The story of खन्दअ is given in the Appendix to this volume from the भगवतीसत्र, 2, 1. मासियं भिक्खुपडिमं etc.-The monks observe several vows for annihilation of their acts. The number of qs@his for a householder is eleven, while for a monk it is twelve. The nature of this is at will be clear from the following: - गच्छा विणिक्खमित्ता पडिवज्जइ मासियं महापडिमं / .... दतेग भोयणस्सा पाणस्स वि एग जा मासं / << The monk goes out of his cloister and observes the मासिया महापडिमा by accepting only one dole of food and one dole of water (per day) till the month is.out." He observes the same practice for two, . three, four, five, six and seven months, which . 10