________________ NOTES [N. B.-The Notes supplement the Glossary. The references are to Paragraphs. ). The title IECHTST literally means ten lessons on persons who attained a happy end, i. e., emancipation from #Alt; but on examination of the contents we see that the work is divided into eight वग्गs and each वग्ग into several अज्झयणs from eight to sixteen. Thus the expression CATIT in the title is a misnomer. The commentator's explanation, 'तत्र अन्तो भवान्तः कृतो विहितो यैस्ते अन्तकृताः, तद्वक्तव्यताप्रतिबद्धा दशाः दशाध्ययनरूपा ग्रन्थपद्धतय इति अन्तकृतदशाः / इह च अष्टौ वर्गा भवन्ति, तत्र प्रथमे वर्गे दशाध्ययनानि, तानि शब्दव्युत्पत्तेनिमित्तमङ्गीकृत्य अन्तकृतदशा उक्ताः' is hardly satisfactory. I think that this expression in the title is due to the influence of 391HIGHISTI, the seventh of the Jain Canon, As TTECH131 is the eighth work in this class of the sacred literature of the Jains, it borrows, probably for symmetry, the last part of the title of the preceding work, Compare also the title turadiq9154chian. 4, 19h etc.- This list gives the names of persons described in the first an as having attained eman