________________ शब्दकोशः जन्नु-जानु, 38, knee. जहा-यथा, 9, as, just as. जमाली-जमाली,१८०, name जंकयसुकया--यत्कृतसुकृता , of a क्षत्रिय prince and 102, (यदेव कृतं शोभनमson-in-law of महावीर शोभनं वा तदेव सुष्टु कृतमित्य(see भगवती, 9, 33). भिमन्यते पितृपौरादिभिर्यस्याःसा, जम्बवई-जाम्बवती, 73, pro- टीका), a club whose per name. acts of whatever nature जम्द-जम्बू , 3, n a m e of are approved or rather the pupil of सुधर्मन् , the tolerated by people. fifth गणधर of महावीर. जंघा-जङ्घा, 186, leg. जम्म-जन्मन्, 9, birth. जाअ-जात, 11, become. जम्मण जन्मन् , 36, birth. जाण-ज्ञा (धातु) 22, to जयण-यत्न, 183, attempt know. to secure things not जाण-यान, 39, conveyance possessed ( प्राप्तेषु योगेषू- -136, departure in a धमकरणम् ). conveyance. जयन्त-जयन्त, 170, name जाणअ-ज्ञापक, 198, one of the third अणुत्तरविमाण. who gives knowledge जरकुमार-जराकुमार, 81,the to people. son of a demoness जरा. जाणियव्व-ज्ञातव्य, 63, to be जरग्ग-जरद्व, 186, old known,to be recognised bullock. जाणु-जानु , 186, knee. जरग्गओवाहणा-जरत्क+उपा- जाय-याच् (धातु) 49, to नह् , 186, old leathern beg (Abs. जाइत्ता). shoes, जाय-जात,२२,born, grown; जरा-जरा, 59, oldage. (Voc. sing. जाया) little जलन्त-ज्वलत्,५८,burning. child, boy. जलोया-जलोकाः, 186, a जालि-जाली, 71, proper leech. name.