________________ From the colophon of Prabandhakosa, composed on the Seventh day of the bright half of Jyestha in 1405, it is known that Rajasekharasuri was a pupil of Sri Tilakasuri and belonged to Harsapuriya Gaccha'. In the colophon of Panjika on NK, Rajasekhara refers to some of the earlier Suris of Harsapuriya Gaccha. In this Gaccha was the celebrated Abhayasuri, the disciple of Sri Jayasimha Suri. In this lineage came the great Hemacandracarya. Sri Candramunindra and Vibudhendramuni were his disciples. Sri Municandra was the disciple of Sri Candrasuri who, in course of time, became the Guru of Sri Devaprabhasuri. Sri Naracandra Suri was the disciple of Sri Devaprabha Suri. Naracandra wrote Tippanas on NK and Anargharaghava. Sri Narendraprabha was the disciple of Naracandra in whose lineage was Suri Sri Padma, who was the Guru of Sri Tilakasuri. Rajasekhara was the disciple of Sri Tilakasuri. Nyayakandali Panjika is a short but comprehensive commentary. Peterson noticed a ms. of this commentary. Mm. Vindyeshvariprasada Dwivedi, the editor of Nyayakandali, also refers to the Panjika in his Introduction and gives an abstract from it, though he has not shown the source of the ms. referred to by him.2 श्रीप्रश्नवाहिककुले कोटिकनामनि गणे जगद्विदिते / श्रीमध्यमशाखायो हर्षपुरीयाभिधेये गच्छे // 1 // मलधारिबिरुदविदितश्रीअभयोपपद सूरिसन्ताने / श्रीतिलकसूरिशिष्यः सूरिः श्रीराजशेखरो जयति // 2 // शरगगनमनुमिताब्दे (1405) ज्येष्ठामूलीयधवलसप्तम्याम // निष्पन्न मिदं शास्त्रं ... ... ... ... // 8 // -प्रबन्धकोशप्रशस्तिः / 2 अनेन प्रन्थारम्मे " श्रीमजिनप्रभोरधिगत्य न्यायकन्दली किञ्चिदि" त्युक्तम् / अत्राधिगत्यइत्यस्य अधीत्येति परमार्थः / जिनप्रभविभुश्च 1226 शाकवर्षे आसीत् / तद्यथा-- दुर्गवृत्तिगरुचादिगणस्य श्रीजिनप्रभमुनिप्रभुरेताम् / पञ्जिको [स]मुपनीय विनेते (वितेने ) वृत्तिमल्पमतिबोधनिमित्तम् // रसयुगरविमित( 1226 )शकवर्षभाद्रपदसितचतुर्दशीदिवसे / भागद्रङ्म इयं समर्थिता गणयुगलवृत्तिः / / भागम इति कस्यचित् स्थानविशेषस्य नाम (?) -न्यायकन्दली, विज्ञापनम् पृ. 19