________________ viji Sometimes Naracandra, on finding some discrepancy or fallacy in the arguments presented by Sridhara, improves very tactfully the whole relevant passage and ultimately presents the viewpoint of NK in a very consistant form. Thus for example, in Isvarasiddhi Prakarana, Naracandra removes all the logical fallacies of an inference put forth by NK, with an ingenious modification. Same trend can be seen in the chapter on Atma. Here NK tries to prove that the *Caitanya' (consciousness ) does not belong to the body. For this NK gives an inference with 'Bhutakaryatva' as a Hetu! But this Hetu 'is fallacious. Tippana, therefore comes to the rescue of this inference. It splits this 'Bhutakaryatva' into, two Hetus, Viz. "Bhutatva' and 'Karyatva' and states that--bhutatvat, karyatvat ca ityarthah. militasyahetutve, vyabhicarabhavat. Tippana is really a very compact and faithful commentary of NK. Its delineation is precise and lucid. Naracandra's mastery of dialectics can be seen in his refutations of the arguments presented by opponents like Mimamsakas and Bauddhas. The discussions on Ksanikavada, Citrarupa, Apeksabuddhi, Hetvabhasa and Pramanasankhya deserve special mention in this matter.. However, after the completion of the chapter on Gunas, the Tippana hurriedly discusses the remaining categories Viz, Karma, Samanya, Visesa and Sama- . vaya, and this work comes to an end. It seems that the Tippana is Tippana--i.e. concise commentary in its right sense, as it does not unnecessarily repeat the discussion on any topic which is thoroughly exhausted by NK. Moreover it does not leave any important point that requires more elucidation at the same time. Therefore though the NK is a big commentary on the PDS, the Tippana prefers to be a concise commentary on NK. Though Naracandra is not free from the fault of being too brief in the later chapters mentioned above, his positive and logical approach as a commentator is praiseworthy and hence, it is quite appropriate that he made a very sound impact on the later commentators of NK, like Rajasekhara and Sidila. The text of this Tippana of Naracandrasuri is based on following four MSS.: Material - Paper Place-Muni Sri Hassavijayaji Private Collection of MSS., Baroda No. of Folios-77 Size of a Folio-111" x 51" Lines, on each side of a folio-15 to 16. Script-Devanagari . Writing ---Bold, uniform and legible !