________________ 35 205] . CHAPTER IX देरस्तित्वमुपलभ्य तहिपर्ययेणार्थापत्त्याऽकतकस्यात्मादेर्नास्तित्वमापत्रमिति / तदेव प्रतिपादयवाह -1 mi rtag byas par mthon gyur nas! ma byas gal te rtag na ni byas la yod pa nid mthon nas rtag pa yod nid min par gyur || 4 || In c after byas Vx of CS reads pa for la . In d all hgyur for gyur. * अनित्यं कृतकं दृष्ट्वा शाश्वतोऽक्तको यदि। Trifat et atferaat vaa: 11811 CSV : न चाविद्यमानस्य नित्यत्वं युज्यत' इति नास्त्येव नित्यस्य वस्तुनोऽस्तित्वम् / आकाशकुसुमवत् // 4 // Here as regards the reading of d in the Skt. karikaa V observes that it is 'incomprehensible and then changing the reading as nastitaivastu sasvatah says "je restitute d'apres la version tibetaine, et le contexte la confirme". This cannot be accepted. The original reading is not incomprehensible, nor does the Tib. version mean what V thinks. Let the original reading, nasti tenastu sasvatah, be construed thus : tena sasvato nasti (iti) astu and the meaning will be perfectly clear and quite in accordance with the context and the introducti n of the Commentator. On the contrary, the restoration of V himself is incomprehensible. I cannot understand what he means by nastita eva astu sasvatah, or how it can be construed. It is to be noted that owing to different genders sasvatah cannot be adjective of nastita : Nor can the Tib. version mean what V says. 205 CSV: 470 RICICagfasetfaatatafanfattatatAfa1 Tib. om. tat. * In X read rigs for rig. * Tib. yod pa ma yin pa ni rtag pa nid du rig(s) pa ma yin pas dnos po rtag pa yod pa niid ma yin pa nid te nam khahi me tog bz'in no | For navidyao kusumavat HPS na cavidyamanasya nityatvam napi sad evanityam vastu. * HPS first apratisankhyanio then pratisankhyani,o not supported by Tib. and other works.