________________ 189) CHAPTER VIII 15 for in this case owing to the use of different words the meaning may appear to the reader differently. So the same word must be repeated in such cases. Moreover, nirdista and kathita do not convey the same meaning. As regards the omission of the translation of gsuns in b, I think, it would have been better if y could have avoided it, for the original author undoubtedly wanted to lay here some emphasis by repeating the word so many times. In d V takes Tib. byos to mean Skt. sruta 'heard.' He repeats it also in the vocabulary (p. 173). So far as I can say this meaning can in no way be accepted. It appears that somehow or other he has confounded the word with Tib. thos or thos pa which means in Skt. sruta (cf. thos pa bz'in, Skt. yathasruta). byos is the imperative form of byed pa 'to do'. Hence it cannot mean anything but 'do', Skt. kuru. This is clearly borne out also by Candrakirtti when he explains it using byos sig, Skt. kuru, 'do,' in the commentary. It is to be further noted that V's translation of cann d is not quite in accordance with his own Skt, nor does it follow the original Tib. version. He translates them thus : (c) "le vide aux meilleurs ; (d) c'est pourquoi il est si souvent question du mieux (agrya=sunya)." I donot think V is right in taking Tib. z'i ba in c in the sense of 'vide,' 'void', sunya; z'i ba means in Skt. siva, santi, etc. And what is to be understood by it? * According to the commentator, I consider, it is mya nan las hdas pa or nirvana. There are three things sbyin pa, dana, 'gift ;' tshul khrims, sila, 'morality ;' and sgom pa, bhavana, 'meditation.' And he says, great is the enjoyment by dana. By ila one is born a god or a man. And by bhavana the klesas 'evil passions' or 'obstacles' are destroyed, and they being destroyed there is nirvana. This nirvana is said not to all. ." Therefore, be yourself most excellent and be exceedingly delighted for nirvaua". Here is nothing of ston pa, sunya, the 'vide' of V. See the commentary quoted below. . Consequently I should like to propose the following restoration :