________________ 140 CATUHSATAKA [277 277 CSV : de nid kyi phyir bcom ldan hdas kyis | = Taica Haalsrid dan srid thabs z'i ba yil thabs dan de bz'in z'i gsuns te hjig rten yons su mi ses gan | de ni thub pahi lta buri mnon || 2 | In d V na for ni. V ukto bhavo bhavopayah sivopayas tatha sivam yal lokenaparijnatam drstam tan munisannibham || 2 || V's reconstruction of d, distam tan munisannibham, is not intelligible to me, nor is it followed by his own translation. It seems to me that in d the reading lta bur does not give here any appropriate sense, and as such may be changed to lta bar, though the former is found in all the xylographs concerned including CSV. As regards the last two lines of the karika the following may be gathered here from the vstti: The teaching of Buddha regarding the four things, srid 'bhava' etc., produces its effect only on those who have proper thos pa 'sravana,' bsam pa 'manana,' and sgom pa 'bhavana. But those who do not practise them and consequently are not competent (snod 'bhajana' or 'patra') may complain saying "Why are the things not explained perfectly? We cannot understand them exactly." But this is their mistake (khrul ba 'bhranti). Only for this the Buddha, the Blessed One, cannot be blamed, because he has taught the four Noble Truths, and this being so where is the fault of the speaker? It is not the fault of the sun that a born-blind (dmus lon jatyandha') does not see the light. The '1 Read bar, "On trouve chez le sage (Boudha) tout ce que le monde ne connait pas parfaitement (Los antres precheurs sont infeieurs an Boudha, qui, seul, cannait la verite du rapsirs et du nirvana.")