________________ SOME ACCOUNTS OF THE MSS. OF THE siggata FROM WHICH THE PRESS COPY OF THE TEXT HAS BEEN PREPARED. I have got altogether six MSS. to prepare the press copy of the higheig. They are marked क, ख, ग, घ, ङ and च. (a) This MS. is in Bengali character. Each page of it contains 7 lines. It is a very good copy, but mutilated and breaks up suddenly at the farfe root ge (183). It belongs to the Rajshahi college Library. It extends from the beginning up to the root ge, only 7 leaves in all. (a) This is an exact copy from (*). It breaks up also at the same root EUR. Even the very mistakes in the copying made in (*) are repeated here. Each page of it contains 8 or 9 lines. Only 6 leaves are found in it from the beginning This MS. also belongs to the Rajshahi college. It is in Bengali character. (TT) This MS. is a copy obtained from these Library of Vizigapatam, Madras. The Library had also a copy. It is from the MS. no. 3718 of the Asiatic Society of Bengal at Calcutta which has the following--11977 शर्मणः पुस्तकमिदम्। लिखितमिदं केनचित् / शकाब्दाः 1490 / 26 आषाढस्य In the आर्ष Library it is no. 6924. The copy supplied from the wro Library is in the Devanagar characters. But its original is undoubtedly. in Bengali. Saka 1490 is 1568 A. D. (a) It is a copy from the Government Oriental MSS. Library of Madras. This Library too had a copy of the aforesaid MS which had once belonged to 1977algat, and is from the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta. Our copy from 'it is in the Devanagar character But the original is in Bengali character. So and are from the one and same MS. (6) This is a very good and correct MS. It is complete and in Bengali characters. There are 95 leaves in it. In each page there are 6 lines. It belongs to the Varendra Research Society of Rajshahi. It was procured from Pundit Kshitish Chandra Bhattacharya of the Village Salikha in District Rajshahi. It is marked no. 597, Varendra Research Sociсty. () This MS, also belongs to the Varendra Research Society, Rajshahi and is marked no. 643. It contains 6r leaves. In each page there are 8 lines. Paper 4 X 17. But it is mutilated. The first 10 leaves are wanting. The fragmentary copy begins with the root म्लेच्छ अव्यक्तायां वाचि (200). It was procured from Pundit Kalisaran Smrititirtha of village Halsa, District Rajshahi. It is of course in Bengali characters. So the ensuing text is really from only the Bengal MSS.