________________ Vacaka Gunaratna's (c. 1600 A.D.) Sukhabodhika Tippanika, both a commentary on Gangesa's Tattuacintamani (Anumanakhanda) and also a subcommentary on a commentary of the Tattvacintamani, which is hitherto unpublished is here published for the first time. The Tattvacintamani is one of the most famous and difficult works of Indian philosophy. The present commentary on it greatly contributes to the understanding of this very important work. Though it is called Tippana, it is not merely an annotation-type commentary. In fact, it is a good expository commentary, lucidly explaining the knotty points. It evinces deep study and understanding of Navya-Nyaya and its methodology. It expounds subtle points, draws fine line of distinction between the cognate or closely related concepts and terms, discusses readings, refers to or quotes from authors and authoritative texts, and ably explains some grammatical points. It raises doubts and then answers them lucidly and convincingly. Thus, the Sukhabodhika Tippanika represents a positive and distinctive contribution to the vast commentarial literature on the Tattvacintamani.