________________ xlvii not serve to check the interpolation of words, because it did not serve to check the interpolation in the body of that gana. When we find a celebrated Paninian like Haradatta mentioning that, excepting the Kasika, the Ganapatha is not to be found in other commentaries 134, we may surmise that the teachers and commentators of the Paninian system did not attach due importance to the Ganapatha, and often neglected it altogether. Out of the Ganas mentioned by Panini, Buddhisagara has adopted the following ones : Cadi (, Pradi (, Kaskadi (, Sarvadi (, Yaskadi (, Upakadi (, Tikadi (, Nadadi (, sivadi (;, Bahvadi (;, Gunadi (, Kraudyadi (, Krodadi (, Gauradi (, Lohitadi (, Yajakadi (, Gavadi and Asvadi (, Vrsadi (, Uraadi (, Dvidandyadi (, Saradadi (, Taulvalyadi (, Pailadi (, Svaradi (, Svagatadi (, Prajnadi (, Sthuladi (, Sakhadi (, Parsvadi (, Damanyadi (, Kurvadi (, Disadi (, Kunjadi, Gargadi, Asvadi and Vidadi (, Utsadi (, Bhiksadi (, Saradi (, Plaksadi (, Haritakyadi (, Rajanyadi (, Sankaladi (, Suvastvadi (, Baladi (, Saunakadi (, Kratukthadi (, Kathadi (, Nadyadi (, Kasyadi (, Dhumadi (, Kulaladi (, Digadi (, . Sindhvadi and Sandikadi (, Drdhadi (, Purohitadi (, Lomadi and Pamadi (, Vrihyadi (, Sukhadi (, Arsadi (, Vimuktadi (, Kandvadi (, Nyankvadi (, Ajadi (, Pacadi (, Nandyadi and Grahadi ( The following Ganas are the new ones found in the PGBV : Kradi (, Mrjadi (, Alpadi (, Purvadi (, Apadi (, Yakrdadi (, Adharadi (, Ghadadi (, Daivayajnadi (, Sonadi (, Udaradi (, Dadi (, Tadi (, Bhayadi (, Arthadi (, Dasadi (, Patradi (1:4.3.5), Ekadi (, Iyadadi (, Ratrindivadi (, Rjadi (, Kadi (, Priyadi (, Nakhadi (, Tirthyadi (, Nahadi (, Sruvadi (, Bhanjanadi (, Bahvajadi (, Aruntudadi (, Satyadi (, Namadi (, Vipsadi (, Gidadi (, Hrasvadi ( Some of the names of the Ganas appear to be new, but the change in their names in the PGBV is due to the fact that the nomenclature is based