(he) alone is the knower (by whom) spiritual path has
been comprehended. 75. The person destitute of all possessions is always tranquil
and joyful. Even the emperor does not get at that final beatitude. which the person destitute of all pomiessions attains.
76. Just as there is the iron hook for (controlling) the elephant
and there is the moat for (tho protection of), the city, so also the renunciation of possession is (useful) in restraining the senses and the restraint of senses is no doubt non-attachment.
77. The essence of being wise is really this that the wise
person does not injure any being whatsoever. The Jina (spiritually victorious), having known Ahimsā (nonviolence) and Samatā (equanimity) so important, tolls us this.
78. All the Jivas (beings) desire to live and not to die. Self
restraining persons, therefore, give up the distressful taking away of Prāņas (vital forces). I
79. Pain is not dear to oneself; having known this regarding
all other Jivas (beings), one should give affection to all the Jivas (beings) adequately. And by reason of the equality with one's own self, one should keep sympathy with all of tem.
80. Killing a Jiva (being) is killing one's own self; compas
sion for the Jiva (being) is compassion for one's own
[ Samaņasuttaro
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