(and) having an end. (because of his developing spiritual awakening, value - knowledge and ethico-spiritual conduct). This has been pronounced by the Arahantas
(embodied spiritually perfect personalities). 26. Birth is suffering; old age is suffering; diseases and
deaths are suffering. Oh ! the mundane existence as
such where the Jivas are unhappy is suffering. :: 27. Whenever the Jiva (person) gets associated with whatever
psychical states, he binds (accordingly) the auspicious
and inauspicious Karmas (material particles) at that time. 28. (When men) choose the Karma (action for Karmic
bondage) (they) are free; but in the rise of that (bound) Karma, (they) become dependent, (as when one) climbs a tree, one is free; (but when) one falls from it, one becomes dependent (choiceless).
29. (Somewhere) the Jivas are subject to Karmas (psycho
physical impurities) and somewhere Karmas are subject to Jivas; (as) somewhere the money-lender is powerful and somewhere the debtor is powerful.
30. The Jiva (person) experiencing spiritual perversion
becomes perverted in his attitude. Again, he does not like the virtuous path, as the person down with fever
does not relish'even the sweet juice. 31. The self overcome by spirititual perversion has been
greatly overpowered by intense passion (and) (he), believing in the identity of self and body, becom eesth perverted self.
[ Samaņasuttam
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