The Sacred Books of the Jainas
second stage is merely an attempt to know the particulars, while the third stage consists of the ascertainment of these particulars." There may be some doubt in the first and second stages but in the third stage this is absent. For example, in the third stage there is a finding that the sound is of a conch shell and not that of a horn.
The fourth stage Dhāraṇā consists of the lasting impression which results after the object with its particulars is definitely ascertained. It is this impression ( Samskāra ) which enables us to remember the object afterwards.*
1 "ईहितविशेषनिर्णयोऽवायः ।" Pramana-mimāmsa I. 1. 29. and
Pramāņa-Naya-tattvälokālaňkāra I. 9. "विशेषनिमा॑नायाथात्म्यावगमनमवायः ।" Tattvārtharijavarttika.
"तस्यैव निर्णयोऽवायः ।" Tattvārthaslokavarttika. 2 "इह चावग्रहहयोरन्तराले अभ्यस्तेऽपि विषये संशयज्ञानमस्त्येव ।" _ "ईहाक्रोडीकृते वस्तुनि विशेषस्य शाङ्क्ष एवायं शब्दो न शाङ्ग इत्येवं
रुपस्यावधारणमवायः ।" Pramāna-mimamsa. 3 'निर्मातार्थाविस्मृति र्धारणा।" Tattvārtharaja-varttika. "स एव हठतमावस्थापन्नो धारणा।"
____Pramāna-Nayatattvalokalankāra I. 10. 4 "स्मृतिहेतुः सा धारणा।" Tattvārthaslokavarttika. ___ “स्मृतिहेतुर्धारणा।" Pramāna-mimamsa I 1. 30.
All these four stages of Matijñāna have been summarised by Vidyānandi thus :
"अक्षार्थयोगजादू वस्तुमात्रग्रहणलक्षणात् । जातं यद्वस्तुभेदस्य ग्रहणं तदवग्रहः ।। तद्गृहीतार्थसामान्ये यद्विशेषस्य काङ्क्षणम् । निश्चयाभिमुखं सेहा संशयाद् भिन्नलक्षणा ॥ तस्यैव निर्णयोऽवायः स्मृतिहेतुः सा धारणा।"
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