Parikşāmukham whether it is this or that, That is to say, similarities and differences of the object with and from other objects become the subject of consciousness in this stage.1 For example, when we see a man, the first stage is that we are simply conscious that it is a human being and in the second stage we want to know the particulars such as that this man is a resident of Karņāta or Lāta country; or, when we hear a noise, at first we are conscious of merely a sound, then we desire to know whether it is from blowing a conch shell or from blowing a horn."
In the third stage Avāya, there is a definite finding of the particulars which we desired to know in the second stage. The
"विषयविषयिसंनिपातसमनंतरमाद्यग्रहणमवग्रहः ।"
Tattvārtharājavārttika. "विषयविषयिसनिपातानन्तर--समुद्भूत-सत्तामात्र- गोचरदर्शनाज्जातमाद्य-- मवान्तर सामान्याकार-विशिष्टवस्तुग्रहणमवग्रहः ।"
Pramana-Naya-tattvalokalankāra. II. 7. "अक्षार्थयोगजाद् वस्तुमात्रग्रहणलक्षणात् ।
जातं यद्वस्तुभेदस्य ग्रहणं तदवग्रहः ॥" Tattvārthaslokavarttika. 1 "अवगृहीतविशेषकाङ्क्षणमीहा।" Pramina Mimamsa I. I. 28. ___ "अवगृहीतार्थविशेषकाङ्क्षणमीहा।"
... Pramāņa-Naya-tattvālokālańkāra II. 8. "अवगृहीतेऽर्थे तद्विशेषाकाङ्क्षणमीहा।" Tattvārtharajavārttika. "तद्गृहीतार्थसामान्ये यद्विशेषस्य काङ्क्षणम् ।
निश्चयाभिमुखं सेहा संशीतेभिन्नलक्षणा ॥" Tattvārthaslokavarttika. -2 “अक्प्रहेण विषयीकृतो योऽर्थोऽवान्तर-मनुष्यत्वादिजातिविशेषलक्षणस्तस्य विशेषः कर्णाट-लाटादिभेदस्तस्याकाङ्क्षणं भवितव्यताप्रत्ययरुपतया ग्रहणाभिमुख्यHitecufiteira ” Ratnākarāvatārikā II. 8.
8 “अवप्रहगृहीतस्य शब्दादेरर्थस्य किमयं शब्दः शाङ्खः शाङ्गों वेति संशये सति माधुर्यादयः शङ्खधर्मा एवोपलभ्यन्ते न कार्कश्यादयः शार्ङ्गधर्मा इत्यन्वयव्यतिरेकरुपविशेषपर्यालोचनरुपा मतिश्चेष्टेहा।" Pramāna mimāmsa,
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