Parikşāmukham The commentators of Parikṣāmukham were faced with the fact that there is no Mangalācharaṇa in this work. In most of Brahmanical works, Mangalācharaṇa verses are found and even where there are no special verses, attempts are made by commentators to show that the first words of such works e. g. "Atha” is auspicious and serves the purpose of Margalācharaṇa." The Jain writers also hold that Mangalācharaṇa should be used to remove obstacles to a successful completion of the work, as even the great men are subject to many obstructions even in good work.? The use of Mangalācharaṇa is also supported by Siştāchāra ( practice of the good or the respectable ).
Prabhāchandra and Anantavirya write that salutation can be made by words, by the body and also mentally. So though salutation in words is not found in this work, it can be urged that salutation by bodily movements or a mental salutation has been made. If any one is unwilling to accept this, it can be said that the words in the beginning viz. “Pramāņa" can have a secondary meaning which would serve the purpose of salutation. “Mā” means "Lakşmi" and “Aña” means "Sabda”. He who has “Pra” (Prakrişta = सधर्मप्रभावमवूबुधत्तमाम् । तदनु वालानुजिघृक्षुः......माणिक्यनन्दिमुनिवृन्दारकस्तत्. प्रकाशित-शास्त्रमहोदधेरुद्धृत्य तदवगाहनाय पोतोपमं परीक्षामुखनामधेयमन्वर्थमुवहत् JETTAITTU..." Nyāyamaņi-dipikā. (This work has not been printed. The quotation is from a MSS. preserved in the Jain Siddhānta Bhaban, Arrah. See also Jaina Siddhānta Bhāskara, Bhāga. II. Kiraňa I. Prasasti-sangraha P. 1.)
1 484172tezlong araat namn: get i ___ कन्ठं भित्वा विनिर्यातौ तेन मांगलिकावुभौ ॥" 2 dzife aglamla wana węglufà 1 अश्रेयसि प्रवृत्तानां कापि यान्ति विनायकाः ।।
___ तस्मादशेषप्रत्यूहोपशमनाय मंगलमभिधेयम् ।”
Šilānkāchārya's Commentary on the Āchārānga Sūtras, P–2
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