The Sacred Books of the Jainas
In older works of Jain writers, logic was mixed up with metaphysics and religion. Subsequent writers composed separate works confining themselves exclusively to the subject of pure Logic. These writers however did not depart from the original definitions of older works though in delineation they adopted different methods and even when they tried to modify the definitions, they laid down that the modified meaning was the intention of the old writers. The veneration to the oldest propounders of Logic will be universally found in the works of all subsequent writers. So Mānikyanandi also begins his work by saying that he will lay down the definitions of Pramāņa and Pramāṇābhāsa according to ancient authorities (“Siddham”).
The same fact appears in Hindu philosophies where the authors attempt to base their theories on texts of the Vedas which are universally accepted as undisputable authorities. We find attempts to explain a particular passage from the Vedas in diverse ways to suit the purpose of different expositors.
Māņikyanandi has based his Parikşāmukham on the work of Akalanka Deva. Anantavirya the writer of Prameyaratnamālā a commentary on Parikşāmukham has offered his obeisance to Māņikyanandi thus : “Salutation to that Māņikyanandi who has churned the nectar of Nyāya-vidyā from the ocean of Akalanka's words."1 Prabhāchandra also states that as the work of Aklanka would not be easily understood by all, Māņikyanandi has composed the Prakaraṇa Pariksāmukham.2 In Nyāyamaņidipikā the same has been mentioned."
1 56370a=ISFHTEIGEE Ja sithat I न्यायविद्यामृतं तस्मै नमो माणिक्यनन्दिने ।”
Frameyaratnamālā 2. 2 "श्रीमदकलंकार्थोऽव्युत्पन्नप्रज्ञैरवगतुं न शक्यते, इति तद्व्युत्पादनाय करतलामलकवत् तदर्थमुद्धृत्य प्रतिपादयितुकामस्तत्परिज्ञानानुग्रहेच्छाप्रेरितस्तदर्थafaqiqagqui garofightETT: JE 1" Prameyakamala-Mārtaņda.
3 "भगवान् भट्टाकलंकदेवो विश्वविद्वन्मण्डलहृदयाल्हादियुक्तिशास्त्रेण जगत्
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