Commentaries on Prameya ratna-mālā.
(a) Arthaprakāśikā.
Prameyakamalamārtaņda being a voluminous work and full of discussions regarding views of logicians other than Jain logicians, could not easily be tackled by those who wanted to learn the subjectmatter only of Parikşāmukham. Prameya-ratnamālā satisfied their want being a shorter and simpler work though it briefly alluded to the views of other logicians wherever necessary. Many expositions of this commentary Prameyaratnamālā were written. Three of these are preserved in Jain Siddhānta Bhavan, Arrah.
The first is Arthaprakāśikā. In the verses at the beginning it is mentioned that it is written by Panditāchārya (no specific name being given )'. Some attribute it (without however any definite proof ) to Chārukirti. There were several Chārukirtis and nothing definite can be said as who really was the author of this treatise. The Mangalācharaṇa, the colophon and a portion from the middle of this work have been printed from the Mss. in Jain Siddhānta Bhāskara. Bhāga 4. Kiraņa 1. Prasasti-sangraha page 66.
The second is Prameya-ratna-mālā-lankāra. After saluting Akalanka?, and Māņikyanandi® the author praises Prabhāchandra the author of Prameya
(b) Prameya- ratnamalalaňkāra.
“ afastarafa aferat grade255741 प्रमेयरत्नमालार्थः संक्षेपेण विविच्यते । प्रमेयरत्नमालायाः व्यारन्यास् सन्ति सहस्रशः । aerfa afocalarifa'da flag: ll" Arthaprakāsikā. "Percal PPATAISHAT A fe a alespea grati”
Prameyaratnamālālankāra. dan anda France et Tahffurecaret HH !" Ibid.
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