Ananta-virya has mentioned Prabhāchandra in the beginning of his work : "When there is a moon like the work of Prabhāchandra, how can I resembling a fire-fiy expect to be counted ?"1
It is mentioned in the beginning of Prameyaratna-mala that this commentary 'Panchikai on Parikşāmukham was composed for study of Sāntişeņa at the request of Hirapa the favourite son of Vaijeya'. At the colophon of this work it is mentioned that Vaijeya was born in the family of Vadarīpāla. His wife was Nāņāmba who was also known as Revati, Prabhāvati and Prathitāmbikā. Hirapa was their son. At his request, Anantavirya has cleared the meaning of the work of Māņikyanandi 4.
Sarvadarśana-samgraha Edited by V. S. Abhayankar Pages 83-8+. . 1. "प्रभेन्दुवचनोदारचन्द्रिकाप्रसरे सति । मादृशाः क नु गण्यन्ते ज्योतिरिङ्गणसन्निभा ॥"
Prameya-ratnamālā. 2. Pañchikā is a commentary in which each word of the
original work is explained. c.f.
"कारिका स्वल्पवृत्तिस्तु, सूत्रं सूचनकं स्मृतम् ।
टीका निरन्तरं व्याख्या, पंचिका पदभंजिका ॥" 3. "वैजेयप्रियपुत्रस्य हीरपस्योपरोधतः ।
शान्तिषेणार्थमारब्धा परीक्षामुखपंचिका.॥" Prameyaratnamala. "श्रीमान् बैजेयनामाभूदप्रणोर्गणशालिनाम् । वदरीपालवंशालिव्योमदयुमणिरुर्जितः ।। तदीयपत्नी भुवि विश्रुतासीन्नाणाम्बनान्मा गुणशीलसीमा । यां रेवतीति प्रथिताम्विकेति प्रभावतीति प्रवदन्ति सन्तः ॥ तस्यामभूद्विश्वजनीनवृत्तिनाम्बुवाहो भूवि हीरपारव्यः । स्वगोत्रविस्तारनभोंशुमाली सम्यक्त्वरत्नाभरणार्चितांगः ॥ तस्योपरोधवशतो विशदोरुकीर्तेर्माणिक्यनन्दिकृतशास्त्रमगाधबोधम् । स्पष्टीकृतं कतिपयैर्वचनैरुदारैर्वालप्रवोधकरमेतदनन्तवीर्यैः ॥"
Colophon to Prameyaratnamālā.
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