connection with the author ‘Akalanka'. Had Jinasena any desire to eulogise Akalanka, he would have done this in an un-ambiguous manner.
It is however not disputed by Pandit Šāstri that Jinasena was a writer later than Akalanka. Vidyānanda in his Aştasahasri a commentary on Akalanka's Aştašati has mentioned Kumārasena. This Kumārasena has also been mentioned in Hariyamsapurāņa of Jinasena. Prabhāchandra a commentator on Parikṣāmukham who was undoutedly later than Māạikyanandi who followed Akalanka is mentioned in the Adipurāņa of Jinasena. The next argument of B. Kamtaprasad is that Akalanka was later than Dharmakirti, the Buddhist philosopher who flourished in the beginning of the seventh century ( 635 to 650 A.D. approximately ) Pandit Šāstri admits this and gives examples showing that Akalanka has quoted and refuted the views of Dharma-kirti'. Pandit śāstri however
1. The following instances are given : (a) The Kārikā in Akalanka's Laghiya-straya beginning with "Faria qufaeculiari" mentions "aaa: Fiera ferratafiarechal" found in kārikā 124 Chapter III of Pramāņa-vārttika written by Dharma-kirti.
Vide also “Dharmakirti who is not referred to by Hieun Thsang but is referred to by I-Tsing very probably belonged to a period between 600-650 A.D.” Introduction to Sadhana-mālā Page XXVII by B. Bhattacharya M.A. (Gaekwad's Oriental Series).
(b) The argument hi agri Hrafeitora: 1" mentioned in Pramāņa-vārttika I. 91 has been met by Akalanka in his Nyāyavinischaya in the verse beginning with TAI CEATAI na anfi Avatai"
(c)' In Aşta-sats of Akalanka on Aptamimāṁsā verse 53 we P-5
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