that Akalanka was a contemporary of Sahasatunga Dantidurga. B. Kamta Prasad Jain criticising the view of Mr. Premi, has accepted the view that Sahasatunga was none other than Dantidurga who reigned from 744 to 759 A.D. and has suggested that the time of Akalanka was from 744 to 782 A. D. B. Kamata Prasad has given arguments to support his view in his article in Hindi entitled "Sree Bhattakalanka Deva" published in Jain Siddhanta Bhaskar Bhāga 3, Kiran 4. This view has however been ably refuted by Pandit Kailas Chandra Sastri in his article "Bhattākalanka kā Samaya" printed in the same journal (Bhāga 4 Kiran 3).
The first argument of B. Kamtaprasad is that Akalanka has been mentioned by Jinasena in his. Harivamsapurāṇa and two verses have been quoted in support of this view and it is also mentioned that Dr. R. G. Bhandarkar has also mentioned this fact. It has however been pointed out by Pandit Kailās Chandra Sastri that it is not correct to interpret the word 'Deva' in the first verse to mean Akalanka. It really refers to Devanandi alias Pujyapāda the author of Jainendra Vyakaraṇa. In the second verse it is merely mentioned that the fame of Virasena is ‘akalanka' ('free from any flaw'). It has no
1. “ इन्द्रचन्द्रार्कजैनेन्द्रव्याडिव्याकरणेक्षिणः ।
Jain Education International
देवस्य देवसंधस्य न वन्द्यन्ते गिरः कथम् ॥”
Verse 31. Harivamsa Purāņa.
"वीरसेनगुरोः कीर्त्तिरकलंकावभासते ।”
Verse 39. Harivamsa Purāṇa. 2. Principal Results of my last two years studies in Sanskrit Mss. Literature by R. G. Bhandarkar (Wier, 1889) Page 31.
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