40. Fallacies of Driṣṭanta (illustration) in Anvaya consists of non-establishment of Sadhya, Sadhana or both of them.
41. Sound is unproduced by man because it has no form like sensual pleasure, atom or pitcher.
42. Viparitanvaya also: "That which is unproduced by man has no form".
43. Because this will be applied in lightening etc. safata facaqsufaten: qrarfoafzuguratatea ||88||| 44. Vyatireke siddha-tadvyatirekāḥ paramāṇvindriyasukhākāśavat.
विपरीतव्यतिरेकश्च यन्नामूर्त्तत्वं तन्नापौरुषेयम् ॥ ४५ ॥
45. Viparita-vyatirekaścha yannāmurttatvam tannāpauru
44. In Vyatireka, Siddha and the Vyatirekas of the same, like atom, sensual pleasure and Akāśa.
45. Viparita Vyatireka: The quality of not being without form, is not unproduced by man.
"Driṣṭantābhāsa (fallacy of illustration) occurs when a Dristanta is not an appropriate illustration. This is of two kinds : (i) Sadharmya or Anvaya Driṣṭāntābhāsa and (ii) Vaidharmya or Vyatireka Driṣṭāntābhāsa.
The Sadharmya fallacy arises when a negative illustration is given in place of an affirmative one. Illustration: There is no Sarvajña (omniscient being) because he is not apprehended by the senses, like a jar. [The illustration should have been of some thing not perceivable with the senses ].
The Vaidharmya is the opposite of Sadharmya. Illustration: Kapila is omniscient, because he is beset with desires like the Arhanta (Tirthankara). [Here the comparison should have
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