The Sacred Books of the Jainas: “Akiñchitkara Hetvābhāsa is the fallacy of redundancy. This is also of two kinds.
(a) The Siddhasādhana which means the establishing of that which has already been proved by some other kind of Pramāṇa. Illustration : Sound is heard by the ear, because it is sound.
(b) The Vādhita vişaya which relates to a proposition inconsistent with Pratyakşa (direct observation or jñāna ), logical inference, scriptural text or its own sense. Illustrations : (i) Fire is not endowed with warmth, because it is a substance (inconsistent with Pratyakşa). (ii) Sound is unchanging, because it is not an effect ( inconsistent with Anumāna ). (iii) Dharma (virtue or righteousness ) is the cause of pain, because it resides in man ( inconsistent with scripture according to which Dharma is the cause of happiness ). (iv) Z is the son of a barren woman because she has never conceived (inconsistent with the proposition itself)”.?
दृष्टान्ताभासा अन्वयेऽसिद्धसाध्यसाधनोभयाः ॥४०॥ 40. Dristāntābhāsā anyaye'siddhasādhyasādhanobhayā). अपौरुषेयः शब्दोऽमूर्त्तत्वादिन्द्रयसुखपरमाणुघटवत् ॥४१॥
41. Apauruşeyah Sabdo’mūrttatvādindriyasukhaparamāņu: ghatavat.
विपरीतान्वयश्च यदपौरुषेयं तदमूर्तम् ॥४२॥
42. Viparitānvayaścha yadapauruşeyam tadamūrttam. विद्युदादिनातिप्रसंगात् ॥ ४३ ॥
43. Vidyudādinātiprasangāt. करणात्' प्रत्यक्षादिवाधिते च साध्येऽकिंचित्करोऽसौ अनुष्णोग्निद्रव्यत्वात् इत्यादौ TATT I gatsinfosfaa #Traficure fåfaq 4a3ficata 1" Prameyakamala-mārtanda.
1, The Science of Thought by C. R. Jain Pages 56-57
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