The Sacred Books of the Jainas सिद्धे प्रत्यक्षत्वादिवाधिते च साध्ये हेतुरकिंचित्करः ॥३५॥
____ 35. Siddhe pratyaksatvadivadhite cha sadhye heturakinchitkarah. सिद्धः श्रावणः शब्दः शब्दत्वात् ॥ ३६ ॥
36. Siddhah Sravanah sabdah sabdatvat. किंचिदकरणात् ॥ ३७॥
37. Kiñchidakaraṇāt. यथाऽनुष्णोऽग्निद्रव्यत्वादित्यादौ किंचित् कर्तु मशक्यत्वात् ॥३८॥
38. Yathānuşşo’gnirdravyatvādityādau kiñchit karttumaśakyatvāt. लक्षण एवासौ दोषो व्युत्पन्नप्रयोगस्य पक्षदोषेणैव दुष्टत्वात् ॥३९॥
39. Laksana evāsau doso vyutpannaprayogasya paksadoseņaiva duşțatvāt.
35. Akiñchitkara ( Hetvābhāsa ) consists of (use of ) Hetu ( middle term ) in connection with a Sādhya ( major term ) which had already been established and which is opposed by Pratyaksa etc.
___36. Capability of being heard by the ear' is established regarding sound, as it is sound.
___37. Because ( Hetu) does not do anything ( in such a case ).
38. As for example, fire is cold as this a thing. In such cases ( Hetu ) cannot do anything.
39. This fault arises only in definition. For in use by those conversant with reasoning, the fault is proved by fault of Paksa ( minor term ). (7) पक्षविपक्षैकदेशवृत्तिः सपक्षव्यापी, यथा न द्रव्याणि दिक्कालमनांस्यमूर्त्तत्वात् । (8) सपक्षपक्षकदेशवृत्तिर्विपक्षव्यापी, यथा द्रव्याणि दिक्कालमनांस्यमूर्त्तत्वात् । (9) पक्षत्रयैकदेशवृत्तिर्यथा अनित्या पृथिवी प्रत्यक्षत्वात् ॥” Ibid.
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