141 cause of the knowledge of the sense of a sentence is the interdependance, Compatibility and Juxta-position (of the words ). Inter-dependance means the inability of a word to indicate the intended sense in the absence of another word. Compatibility consists in ( a word's ) not rendering futile the sense (of a sentence). Juxta-position consists in the enunciation of the words without a (long ) pause between each.
A collection of words devoid of interdependance etc. is no valid sentence. For example 'cow, horse, man, elephant' gives no information, the words not looking out for one another. The expression 'He should irrigate with fire' is no cause of right knowledge, for there is no compatibility ( between fire and irrigation ). The words 'Bring-the-cow' not pronounced close together but with an interval of some three hours between each, are not a cause of correct knowledge, from the absence of ( the requisite closeness of ) juxta-position"."
: "A speech is a collection of significant sounds as for example, Bring the cow. A significant sound is that which is possessed of power ( to convey a meaning )2."
Now, if we ask, who decides that such and such a word means such and such a thing, the answer given by some Hindu logicians is that it is God's will which decides this. “The power (of a word ) is the appointment, in the shape of God's will that such and
1. 637191877 green siffata APIENA&T: 1 Seg Tetratव्यतिरेकप्रयुक्तान्वयाननुभावकत्वमाकांक्षा । अर्थाबाधो योग्यता। पदानामविलंवेनोच्चारणं eifafa: 1
आकांक्षादिरहितं वाक्यमप्रमाणम् । यथा गौरश्चः पुरुषो हस्तीति न प्रमाणमाकांक्षाविरहात्। अग्निना सिञ्चेदिति न प्रमाणं योग्यताविरहात् । प्रहरे प्रहरेStarf tarta Tiraculeueia a THTI Hifarbamaracali" Tarkasangraha, 49-50.
2. “ I CHE: 1 911 Tarafa I T GL" Tarkasangraba, 48.
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