The Sacred Books of the Jainas surprise. He is the knower of all things. Being free from faults, he reveals the scriptures. He is of the highest status and of unsurpassed splendour. He is free from attachment and void of impurities. He has omniscience and has no beginning, middle or end and is a friend of all living beings and their teachers. Just as a drum sounds being struck by the hands of the drummer without any desire of its own, so an Apta reveals the Truth for the benefit of people without any personal motive* Revelation comes out of an Apta spontaneously to remove sufferings of people. सहजयोग्यतासंकेतवशाद्धि शब्दादयो वस्तुप्रतिपत्तिहेतवः ॥१०॥
100. Sahajayogyatāsamketavasāddhi sabdādayo , 'vastupratipattihetavaḥ.
यथा मेर्वादयः सन्ति ॥ १०१॥ 101. Yathā mervādayaḥ santi.
100. Words etc. ( signs, symbols and other things of like nature ) are causes of knowledge of things through their inherent power in connoting things. 101. As for example "The Meru etc. exist."
Commentary A question may arise, how do we have knowledge derived from words? In Hindu Nyāya philosophy it is mentioned “The
1. "क्षुत्पिपासाजरातङ्कजन्मान्तकभयस्मयाः । न रागद्वेषमोहाश्च यस्याप्तः स प्रकीर्तितः ॥"
Ratnakaraņdaśrāvakāchāra, Verse 6 2. “आप्तेनोच्छिन्नदोषेण सर्वज्ञेनागमेशिना।
भवितव्यं नियोगेन नान्यथा ह्याप्तता भवेत् ॥" Ibid Verse 5 3. "परमेष्ठी परंज्योतिर्विरागो विमलः कृती।
सर्वज्ञोऽनादिमध्यान्तः सार्वः शास्तोपलाल्यते ॥" Ibid Verse 7 4. "अनात्मार्थ विना रागैः शास्ता शास्ति सतो हितम् ।।
ध्वनन् शिल्पिकरस्पर्शानमुरजः किमपेक्षते ॥" Ibid Verse 8
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